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Outer Space Occupation and SDGs Achievement

Writer's picture: sitiindrianisitiindriani

Hi, everyone!

Indri here from THINK-Research Team.

I write this blog after a long night meeting, so hopefully, I will not mistype :D

A few days ago, there was a question in our daily quiz. The question was what kind of issues have not been included in SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals). There are 17 goals and 169 targets in SDGs. We will think that everything has been included. However, based on this blog, there are LGBTQ issues that have not been included in SDGs. Then, outer space came to my mind. Everyone is talking about outer space, space occupation, NASA, satellite, and other things. However, as far as I remember, there is no specific target for these issues. So, I answered 'space occupation' in the form.

I love the sky, stars, and astronomy. I watched 'Petualangan Sherina', and if you were 90's generation and stayed in Indonesia, you would know this film. I watched the part when she visited Bosscha Observatory in Lembang, Bandung. I was a 5 years kid, and I wrote that I wanted to be an astronaut in my diary :p

It's cool. Being an astronaut and you can go to outer space!

In my first year in Senior High School, I joined the astronomy olympiad team. I calculated the distance, speed, cycles, stars ages, and other things. Then, I joined the astronomy olympiad competition. It's interesting! I spent my holidays learning math, physics, and astronomy modules.

Although I moved to the physics olympiad team in my second year and won some competitions in this subject, I applied for the Astronomy Program at Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB). There was a scholarship offered at that time. I was accepted; however, my parents suggested taking another program at Gadjah Mada University (UGM).

Until now, I keep updating myself about technologies, stories, and plans for outer space occupation. That's the reason why this idea popped up in my mind :D

What is the first thing that comes to your mind if I say that outer space technology will help achieve SDGs?

Some countries encourage stronger cooperation in the use and exploration of outer space for peaceful purposes, including space technology, disaster management, and SDG achievement. Their governments emphasized that the use and exploration of outer space must be carried out solely for peaceful purposes and benefit all countries. Their statement also emphasized the importance of increasing access to space technology and strengthening cooperation in capacity building and technology transfer. They mentioned that space technology (e.g. satellite data, remote sensing, and others) has a role in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Those countries have used space technology to realize the SDGs, such as disaster management, health, education, economy, and maritime affairs (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Indonesia, 2019).

The Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS) mandated the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOSA) to conduct a milestone event UNISPACE+50 in 2018. There were some discussions at this event. One of them was addressing current developments and challenges in outer space activities on a global scale.

The whole process of this event coincides with not only the ever-growing importance of space applications and technologies for humankind but also with global efforts, goals and targets of the three international frameworks: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change (The United Nations, 2021). They discussed and drafted a comprehensive and long-term vision - the Space2030 agenda - for the contribution of space activities to the achievement of the SDGs, long-term development concerns based on the peaceful exploration addressing overarching, and uses of outer space technology in cross-sectoral activities.

Beyond technology, satellite data, and other things, I see that there are some gaps in space technology application between developed and developing countries. For example, a country struggling to achieve food, water, and energy security might not include outer space occupation or research of outer space technology development in its development plan and target.

So, my question is, what other relevant subjects/issues in outer space technology/occupation in achieving SDGs?

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