Hi everyone!
I hope you and your family are doing well and stay safe during a long weekend this week.
I wrote some facts about forestry in Indonesia in my previous post so that I will continue. I remember when I was a child, I read some quotes at the bottom page of my notebook:
Practice makes perfect.
Experience is the best teacher.
You never know till you have tried.
Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.
I didn't know the meaning when I was in 1st and 2nd grade in elementary school. So, when I learned English for the first time, I asked the meaning of these quotes. These quotes keep exist in my head till now.
So, I want to start with some famous quotes about the forest. I remember some quotes that I read when I was a child:
Forest is the lung of the world.
Forest will protect human and animal lives.
A nation that destroys its forests destroys itself.
I learned photosynthesis and the life chain when I was in 3rd grade in elementary school. Plants are the first actor in the food and life chain, and the forest is home to these plants. Then, what is happening when people keep talking about climate change and forest protection?
Source: Pinterest
I will continue to share some facts about forestry in Indonesia and how they relate to climate change. The first fact is most of the forests in Indonesia are the tropical forests. Indonesia's forests are the third largest forests globally, with tropical forests and donations from Kalimantan and Papua's rain forests. According to data from Forest Watch Indonesia (FWI), an independent Indonesian forest monitoring agency, 82 hectares of Indonesia's land area is still covered by forests. Land-use change in the forestry sector will be the main discussion regarding land use management and emission production. Once land-use change or forest fires happened, massive carbon emission will be produced.
The second fact: the Indonesia government has yearly homework to reduce the deforestation rate. The Environment Fund, World Wildlife Fund, predicts Kalimantan will lose 75% of its forest area by 2020 following the high rate of deforestation. I wrote about forest condition in Kalimantan Island here. If the rate of deforestation does not change, Kalimantan is believed to have lost 6 million hectares of forest by 2020, meaning less than a third of the remaining forest area.
The third fact: the forest is a habitat for many animals; one of them is Orang Utan. When people talk about the forest in Indonesia, people will mention Orang Utan as well. When deforestation or forest fire happens, this animal has to survive. When I was a child, I saw how Orang Utan went to the village to look for foods. But, we know that we lost a high number of Orang Utan population these days. In fact, orangutans are known as shy animals and try to avoid contact with humans. But because their habitat has been damaged or destroyed, they have to survive. Do you ever see Orang Utan?
The last fact: less paper, more forests survive. When I joined a student organisation in my first semester and discussed energy, food, and water security, my friend said, 'you have to remember that you will kill one tree when you use paper or tissue'. I had not thought of it before. After that discussion, I went to the photocopy area. I collected the paper waste and made it a notebook. Paper production, when done by recycling paper, requires much less energy. One ton of waste paper recycled into new paper saves water as much as 7,000 gallons, 628.5 gallons of fuel and 4000 kWh of electricity (Onondaga Resource Recovery Center). Then, maybe during this pandemic situation, people will reduce the paper or tissue use since we do everything online.
These facts are the simple facts that you might know before. But, like a quote that we read every day, it can stay forever off the top of our head. One paragraph of the book that I read said it is better to give a pl as a gift. It means that we give 'a life' to that person. We could do simple things to change our behaviour. The last thing, when we conducted online events, we collaborated with some forestry communities. You could check another collaboration from these products.
Thank you for reading. See you next post!