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Carbon Neutrality in Japan

Hi! This is Miku from Do-Business team! These days, I heard the word "carbon neutralization", so today I will discuss it!

~What is Carbon Neutrality?~

The term "carbon neutrality" refers to the neutralization of carbon (CO2) emissions during the life cycle. Simply put, it is a concept that aims to achieve a "plus or minus zero" level of CO2 (carbon dioxide) emissions by making the amount of CO2 produced on earth equal to the amount of CO2 absorbed by plants through photosynthesis. On October 26, 2020, Prime Minister Suga declared in his policy speech that Japan will reduce greenhouse gas emissions as a whole to zero by 2050. So nowadays, renewable energy is more paid attention to achieve this goal, and not only energy but also company sides will also consider this policy

~Which company tried to do carbon neutralization and succeeded?~

I was curious that there is a company that has already succeeded to achieve carbon neutrality in the world, so I searched it.

1. Microsoft:

The company has been 100% carbon neutrality, through the acquisition of carbon offsets, since 2012. Now they are aiming to be carbon negative by 2030 and keep making an effort for it.

2. Google:

They have already achieved carbon neutrality in 2007 and also try to do business with carbon-free energy by 2030.

~How about Japanese companies?~

After the announcement from Mr. Suga, each industry try to take action for carbon neutrality. For example, the automobile industry shift to the production of electric cars. Toyota Motor Corp. and Honda Motor Corp. released new electric car models. But to increase the demand for electric cars, automobile companies need to solve the problems such as shorter-range vehicles that run on gasoline and less charging stations in Japan. In other cases, the steel industry seeks the way to use hydrogen for making steel reducing carbon dioxide emission. Now, Japan tends to depend heavily on coal-fired power generation, so the use of renewable energy can be the key for the success of zero-emission. However, it will increase the electricity rates and lessen the competition in the industry.

So, for the achievement of carbon neutrality in Japan, not only companies try to innovate new products or services that reduce carbon emissions but also the support from the government will be important especially interms of the cost for it.


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