[Oxford] Do fidem: My thought on 13 years ago yesterday
[Vision] Mimic how Impressionists made their vision -- Draw a circle or circles!
[Review] Not too late to start in 30's or 40's. Actually, the best time with your peak creativity!
[Oxford] How I could go to Oxford with a full scholarship.
[Vision] Book is more efficient than YouTube if with YouTube.
[Vision] How I get to Oxford? Origin of Think-Do-Be
[Vision]. How sustainability wedding case is used in climate change
[Vision] Do not we need to learn a language?
[Vision] First PC DynaBook is great, but Montessori is better.
[vision] Interests of others are the truth of success.
[SDGs] Application of Stockholm Resilience Centre's Sustainability to SDGs wedding cake.
[SDGs] Sustainability re-explained with three circles!
[SDGs] Why SDGS needs a vision? Explained by the comparison with MDGs.
[Drawing] The difference between Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo
[Vision] Backcasting example and importance of followers
[Vision] "Try to manipulate your reference and not be manipulated by the reference" Jeffery Watts
[vision] Question 3: How do I keep at it?
[vision] Question 2: How do you get the courage to try new things?
[vision] Question 1: How did you study English?
[vision] Ikigai framework, do not focus only your love!