Linear, Recycling, and Circular Economy
Bioenergy Implementation in Indonesia Part 5
[su-re venture] "How long are you going to work on climate change?"
Facts about Forestry in Indonesia (part 1)
2021: How is emission reduction strategy in Indonesia?
[ venture] Three approaches to achieve SDGs
Then vs Now (Borneo Island)
[ venture] Negative Emissions Technologies and Practices (NETPs)
[Bali life] I teach you how to make Ogakuzu Compost in 3 mins!
[daydream believer] Why Climate Change is a generation war? This is because of 1.5 degrees!!
[daydream believer] Best and worst of agriculture sector toward 2030 goals.
Bioslurry – “brown gold” that makes you smile even during the pandemic
[ venture] European projects like collaboration and why? started a new in project closing the Agroforestry Gap!
[daydream believer] How fashion can be sustainable?
LANDMARC kicks-off! A new EU-funded project on land-based climate change mitigationBlog Post