[daydream believer] Best paper on uncertainly proved the impossibility of prediction.
[daydream believer] Why Climate Change is a generation war? This is because of 1.5 degrees!!
[Bali life] How agriculture makes wealth? Memory of microbusiness with Montessori
[vision] Why visionary is not enough to make the world better place!
[Bali life] How to make the 1st treehouse - Part 2
[Bali life] How to make the 1st treehouse - Part 1
[daydream believer] Best and worst of agriculture sector toward 2030 goals.
[su-re.co venture] CO2 reduction potential of our biogas digester
[su-re.co venture] 3 masks, 2 problems, and 2, solutions. The problem-oriented.
[vision] How to make a blueprint of sustainable masks?
[daydream believer] When you can make a mistake? This is drawing without an eraser!
[su-re.co venture] Basic reality about bioethanol production in Indonesia
[Bali life] Batu Bolog beach is the "Place to be" during COVID19
[su-re.co venture] Your brand and the difference in information between online and offline
[su-re.co venture] First in-person meeting after COVID19
[su-re venture] How to stop "stop using biogas digester"?
[Bali life] Cooling at Kudung Beach and klepon in banana leaves
[su-re.co venture] What is a mask for sustainability? What is the vision?
[Daydream believer] How to make a vision? e.g. from food diversity
[su-re.co venture] Corona pandemic -- the second oxygen tank blew up! Luck is not an accident.